The Dragoncast Episode 9: Video Game Over?

It’s a new week and a new episode of The Dragoncast. This week we are joined by one of Dragon Blogger’s very own writers, Victor Salazar once again as we discuss the current fall of video game company THQ . We give our opinion on what current video game companies need to do in order to survive in this poor economy and how games need to stop being more of the same. Also we discuss … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 8: When Technology Fails and….a new host!

This week on The Dragoncast we are joined by Luke Bayliss who happens to be the newest member of our staff here at Dragon Blogger as we discuss some of our most epic fails with technology. Ever get excited about a product and cannot wait to take it home and then the item you spent your hard earned dollars on isn’t anything you expected it to be? Well we cover this and much more including … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 7- Let’s Discuss 2012 and look ahead to 2013!

On this episode of The Dragoncast we welcome back Dragonblogger’s very own Victor Salazar to discuss with Brian and Bryce their favorite movies and games from 2012 as well as some of the movies, games and other awesome forms of technology to look forward to in 2013. Also we would like our listeners to give us some feedback and let us know what your favorite movies, games or anything else you really enjoyed from 2012 … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 6: Discussing Batman Far Cry 3 and More”

In this weeks episode of The Dragoncast the guys discuss Batman and since the new Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy has been released Brian, Bryce and Andrew talk about each of the films (WARNING there are some movie spoilers!) and even rate them from best to worst, but let’s be honest here all of the movies were great…right? Also Andrew and Brian give a review of the newly released game in the Far Cry series “Far … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 5 Wii U review and more!

Welcome to another week of The Dragoncast. November 18th 2012 marked a very special day in the history of video games as Nintendo officially started the eighth generation of home video game consoles. The Dragoncast’s very own Brian was one of the few that was able to pick up a Wii U this past weekend and on this episode he provides us his own review of the Wii U. Also be sure to join Brian, … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 3: Microsoft Surface, More Wii-U News and Video Game Discussion

It’s time for yet anther edition of The Dragoncast. In this week’s technology podcast we talk about Microsoft’s new tablet/pc called Surface which is releasing on 10/26 as well as some discussion on the new OS Windows 8. Then Andrew, Brian and Bryce all discuss their favorite video game systems as well as some of their favorite video game controllers and a bit of talk about the Wii-U as well. Also we remind all of … Read more

OUYA: The Next Evolution In Gaming

  With rumors regarding the new X-Box “720” and the Playstation 4 popping up left and right, a bold move has been made. And it wasn’t made by one of the big box companies! A new product is on its way and is claiming “It’s time to upend console gaming.” I am referring, of course, to OUYA.   What is OUYA exactly? OUYA (pronounced OO-YAH) is a tiny box, powered by Android 4.0. This powerful … Read more

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD Review: Robomondo’s Best Trick Yet

  It’s been a long time since anyone has really come out with a great skateboarding game. Sure there have been games such as the “Skate” franchise, but never has a series such as “Tony Hawk” really made an impact on the skateboarding genre of games. However, this series hasn’t had a shining moment in quite some time….until now.     Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD gives players the one thing most HD remakes aim … Read more

Mysterious Secrets, Treasures and Rage await in Spelunky!

  Back in the days of early 8-bit gaming, there was a trend among some of the popular video games. Games such as Ninja Gaiden, Ghouls and Goblins and Mega Man were quite difficult and left some gamers with a lot of frustration and even more broken controllers. Nowadays it is extremely rare to find a game with as much challenge as the games of old, and yet Developer Derek Yu seemed to capture the … Read more