About Me

DragonBlogger is a Technology and Entertainment portal that features articles on everything from technology, video games, social media, Internet, software and includes many product reviews on various gadgets we test and provide feedback on.  It also is an open freelance contributor site where anyone who wants to be an aspiring video game reviewer, content creator, opinion author (entertainment / video game or tech categories only) can contribute content to the site.  This site has no employees and all contributors are freelance and contribute on their own accord.

The owner of Dragon Blogger and trade name belong to Justin Germino and my background for my day job is focused on the IT Industry for over 19 years specializing in identity and access management applications, web-based technologies and information security. You can visit my LinkedIn profile to learn more about me professionally. I am a techie by nature, I love technology, science and particularly enjoy reading about the latest science and biological news and discoveries. I love movies and television and appreciate the art of film to the highest degree. I am into video games, music, travel, night life and just about anything and everything. You only have one life and you have to live it to the fullest extent is my thinking here. I love all forms of entertainment including Movies, Television, Books (Especially Audiobooks), Role Playing (Dungeons and Dragons mostly), Music (Rock primarily, but all kinds and Sting is my favorite musician).

Dragon Blogger is my way of exploring my creative passions around content creation, entertainment, and experimenting with new social media platforms, gadgets, and other online programs.  I enjoy sharing honest opinions on the products and services I use and test, and just because a brand may give us a product to review doesn’t mean it will get a positive review, we will find missing features, flaws, or issues with products and report on our findings.  Somethings are very good and worth spreading praise about, and others are not so good and worth warning people about. Welcome to the world of my opinions and thoughts and reviews, it is my goal to provide insight and help provide some useful and original information as often as possible, and if you gather any new knowledge, or learn a new trick or are influenced by my opinion on any product, service, movie, game or anything that I review…
Then my job is done.

If you are interested in advertising on any of my blogs or having your product reviewed and showcased please contact me via Dragon Blogger Hire Me page.  Or if you want to be a contributor for Dragon Blogger as a guest author or a regular content contributor you can fill out a request on our contact us page.



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