Amazon Video Games 4th of July Sale!

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.

Ah the 4th of July ‒ a time for celebrating the liberties obtained by our forefathers, barbecuing a banquet of sinful foods like burgers and hotdogs, and enjoying fireworks that can potentially sizzle your eyebrows.  What, saving a truckload on video games did not fall into your vision of it?  Like any other holiday, Independence Day has become consumer driven.

While big savings should not be your one and only focus on the 4th, I am sure plenty of families out there has to cut back on their entertainment budget due to the poor state of the American economy.  Video games are expensive. Finding deals that can drive a $60 title down to $20 can make a huge difference in our pocket books.

[easyazon_image asin=”B004E2DNFY” alt=”Raptor-Gaming M3x Laser Gaming Mouse” src=”” align=”left” width=”160″ height=”160″]

So you want to be a frugal gamer come this July 4th?  Then I suggest hopping onto Amazon and checking out their PC and video game blowouts.  If you do not mind the excruciating process of downloading a game to your PC, you can save anywhere from 40-75% on titles like [easyazon-link asin=”B004APAEHA”]Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition[/easyazon-link] for $11.97.

Console gamers may appreciate the Buy One, Get One Free promotion going on for video games.  The pickings are not as dazzling as the PC game downloads but, I did spot some Game of the Year nominees in the lineup.  One intriguing option I noticed is that if you buy the [easyazon-link asin=”B004E2DNFY”]Raptor-Gaming M3x Laser Gaming Mouse[/easyazon-link] you will also be qualified for the promotion.  Just be sure to peruse the offerings by clicking on the BOGOF box and as long as you select something found within that category, you can obtain a second game free.

[easyazon_image asin=”B001NIP3EG” alt=”Bioshock 2″ src=”” align=”right” width=”139″ height=”160″]

Lastly, there are some amazing deals to be found on Amazon’s games under $20 offerings.  [easyazon-link asin=”B001NIP3EG”]Bioshock 2[/easyazon-link] can be obtained at the moment for a mere $9.98 with free shipping.  Just bear in mind that all the deals I have mentioned will not last forever and most are closing  when July 4th rolls on by.  So take a look now, see if anything catches your interest, and enjoy the savings.

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.