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Note: Episode review contains substantial spoilers.
Walt’s between a rock and a hard place…
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AMC’s Emmy winning series Breaking Bad aired the sixth episode of season 4 and just as the title implies Walt (Bryan Cranston) along with Meth Mogul Gustavo Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) are boxing themselves into a corner. Walt may naturally appear to be the one most at risk but apparently even Gus is not invincible enough to repel the kind of mayhem headed his way. Both men are confronted with the ugly fact that they need to start going medieval on the forces that seek to destroy them. Neither seems up to the challenge and both reach into their arsenal for the weapon they favor most…intimidation. If you are not in the loop about Breaking Bad, feel free to read this earlier review which gives you a taste of what this delicious series has to offer.
As stated in the introduction, this episode is all about roaring a fear-inducing battle cry to scare off the opposing army that is coming to take down Walt. The confrontation between Walt and Skyler (Anna Gunn) excellently captured this – Skyler was indeed right, Walt made a critical error in judgement. His bravado in front of Hank (Dean Norris) left a critical weakness exposed. While he may have only given up the position of his commanding officer (Gus) – it will lead to compromising his own post. If there is anyone best keeping an eye on the field of battle it would be Skyler, despite Walt assuming that he is “THE DANGER” to fear.

There is another cruel fate awaiting Walt if he does not supposedly “toughen up” and rise to the challenge. I loved the awkward exchange he had with his former boss at the car wash before the keys were turned over. By snatching up the place as-is – Walt was also allowed to keep the very first dollar ever made at the place. I almost cringed when Walt took that crisp Washington and slipped it into the vending machine without a thought. Does he not see that he is no different – a means to achieve a certain goal which will become useless once that goal is complete? Sadly this powerful statement also relates to the fate of what may happen to Jesse (Aaron Paul).
Two figures in this episode are moving into new roles – we see Jesse being elevated to a fake hero by Gus and Mike (Jonathan Banks) and Walt Junior (RJ Mitte) eager to be the beneficiary of his dad’s work (ahem) I mean gambling addiction. While I can hardly blame Junior for being drawn to his dad’s glitzy lie – I still keep shaking my head in regards to Jesse. Perhaps as I stated in the past review – Jesse is putting on an elaborate act in order to really protect Walt and himself. After all, even Jesse himself admitted after killing Gale, that no one is safe.
Oncemore I cannot stop singing praises of Skyler – when the war finally starts – if anyone is going to be “THE DANGER” it is going to be her. Running to the police will hardly save them though and that is the one thing that Skyler still fails to grasp. This series best teaches us about moral ambiguity…the fact of the matter is there are no good guys she can run to. Saul’s offer looks enticing but if Skyler proved one thing, she can protect her family way better than Walt and his flimsy schemes can.
[xrr label=”Breaking Bad S. 4 Ep. 6 ‘Cornered’ is rated” rating=4.5/5]
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Mitra Faridian first joined the site in 2011 under the handle “Persian Poetess.” Her gaming and entertainment taste is very eclectic and she’s always open to a fun new virtual adverture. Email her at the following address: mitra [at] dragonblogger.com