HAWKEN Promo Codes and Free Credits

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.

Promo Codes are valid as of July 3, 2013.
promo codes
It’s time to give your reliable harbinger of doom an upgrade.

Are you a new player or experienced pilot interested in upgrading his mech collection or adding on a new internal? Earning HC in HAWKEN is fairly steady but there are times when any player starts to become strapped for cash.  Thankfully, the HAWKEN team releases a stream of promo codes from month to month and we like to keep an eye on them. Below are several promo codes or methods of obtaining free credits for your in-game purchases. If you have never redeemed any codes before, you can follow the instructions we have included in the post.

How to Redeem HAWKEN Promo Codes

Redeeming promo codes is a very simple process and can be done directly on playhawken.com. Here are the steps you need to follow in order to input your codes.

  1. Sign into your HAWKEN callsign by using the login box located on the top banner.
  2. Press the REDEEM CODE button on the top banner and find the promo code you want to use.
  3. Copy and paste the promo code into the Enter Code field and press the Redeem button.

Note: If the redeem button is broken, or if you are stuck with a spinning yellow recticle, all you have to do is place a # symbol in the following location https://www.playhawken.com/#redeemcode/ or simply visit this link.

Current Promo Codes and Free Credit Offers

Promo Codes


Free Credit Offers

The following offers allow you to obtain a HAWKEN promo code if you purchase their products or sign up for their services.

Fill Out Your HAWKEN Profile

Technically this is not a special offer but it still is a great way to score around 2k worth of HAWKEN credits.  All you have to do is fill out your HAWKEN forum profile and 2k HC will be added to your account.  Simple, isn’t it?

Patriot Memory Bundle
If you buy the Patriot Supersonic RAGE XT 64 GB flash drive from Newegg.com, you will receive a 7-day XP booster pack with your order.

NVIDIA Free 2 Play Bundle

If you currently purchase an NVIDIA GeForce GTX card, you will receive either a promo code for 3600 Meteor Credits (for the GTX 650 or 650 Ti) or a code for 7200 Meteor Credits (for the GTX 660 or higher) to spend on anything you want. Just be sure that it is explicitly noted on the product page that the card is part of the Free 2 Play Bundle promotion. You can click any of the links to the prior mentioned cards to be taken to the product pages that are part of the promotion.

I would like to extend a big thank you to the HAWKEN forum members who share codes on the following topic. Be sure to keep an eye on this page or the forum post if you are ever in the need of more promo codes!

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.