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Do you have text on paper and need it scanned and editable as a soft copy on a computer but too tired to type it? Well no problem, that is why OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is here. OCR technology basically scans your documents/photographs, detect the characters/words in it and give you the output in written text which can later be edited or used as you may want. There are many software programs and websites which provide OCR services like ABBYY FineReader, Onlineocr.net, ocr.org etc, but my favorite is the NewOCR website.
Why newocr?
Well out of the many OCR service providers, I like newocr.com for certain reasons. First of all, you don’t need to download any software from the website, as it does all the work online. Secondly you don’t need to register on the website to use their service. Thirdly I can use the website as much as I want without any limitations, though it does asks for 30 second gaps between new OCR tasks sometimes.
It also supports up to 58 different languages and the quality for recognition is great, with only minor adjustments sometimes. Also NewOCR has tools for adjusting the images, like rotation and cropping the image and can also detect text separated by columns just by a single click. It also has support for up to 15+ standard image formats for inputs.
Testing NewOCR
So rather than just talking, how about we go on and test how good it really is? My method of testing this website is simple. I take a screenshot from our website by pressing PrtScn button on keyboard, paste it in MS Paint or using lightshot (high quality), upload it on NewOCR, and let it detect the characters. Then I take another screenshot of same passage from the website via mobile camera (low quality), upload it on NewOCR and let it do its work.
Picture 1:

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As you can see, it does a very good job at recognizing text from high quality images. The above text have only two mistakes, where the “$” was recognized as “5” and a word “Just” wasn’t detected. These are some minor mistakes that can easily be edited, and of course one will do proof reading before posting output from such ways. The second thing, you can also see that the logos or icons, as they weren’t text, were recognized as random character and signs. You will need to remove such text yourself or of course you can use their crop tool for removing them beforehand.
Picture 2:

Enter to win I SIN Amazon Gift
Welcome to the 5200 Amazon
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As for the low quality image goes, it doesn’t really do a good job at recognition, we can see lots of mistakes in the first column, and it even missed the whole title from the 4th column. But considering the darkness and angle of image, I’ll say it still did a good enough job leaving you with a little typing left.
All and all, NewOCR was found to be a great website for online OCR tasks, and has pretty good recognition quality as long as the input is of decent quality or a decent scanned image. The support for up to 50+ languages also make it stand out from other OCR service providers and if I had to do any OCR tasks, I would stick with NewOCR.
Got any other OCR tasking website or software that sounds or perform better than this, mention them in comments section and we will check them out. And if this article helped you in any way, don’t forget to share the information with your friends!
We are influencers and brand affiliates. This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.
Hi, I’m Ahmed Kazim and I’ve been a gaming freak since like 7-8. I’m also a geek-o-nerd who keeps looking around for latest development in hardware/tech/gadget industries so expect some quick news from me. I’m also interested in anime (Japanese animation) and can’t stand a day without music and gaming.