Tiergrade 2.4G Wireless Mouse Review

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I am always willing to review small travel mice that I can take with me and use in a hotel room with my laptop so I was eager to try the Tiergrade 2.4G Wireless Mouse which was provided to me to review and at less than $10 it would seem that it would be a great option.  Unfortunately this is one of the few products I have to recommend readers to stay away from based on the quality of the mouse.  

The packaging requires scissors to open.

The mouse takes 2 triple AAA batteries which help add some weight to the mouse, but overall the mouse is very light.  The scroll wheel button also can click, and it has 6 buttons overall.  It supports 3 DPI settings which are fixed, but the highest is 1600 DPI which is fair for a mouse of this price.

The first thing you would notice with this mouse is that it’s size is very portable and it is very light, too much so for my linking actually.  The Tiegrade Wireless mouse does however have a fairly comfortable thumb area and the forward and backward thumb buttons work for their specific function.


The biggest issue that I have with the mouse and why it is only a 1 star mouse (it probably would be 3 stars if it wasn’t for this one item) is the cut where the laser sensor is for the mouse is so rough and badly cut that it drags on the mousepad.  Literally as you try and move the mouse on the mousepad it is snagging and dragging as if it is trying to pull your mousepad cover off with it while it slides, it is a horrible resistance that annoyed me to no end and is the single biggest reason not to get the mouse.  Now on a flat wooden surface the drag wasn’t as noticeable but the fact that the mouse is so light weight and flimsy feeling I still wouldn’t recommend it.


Now, I will say I am shocked by how many 4 and 5 stars this product received on Amazon.com so it is possible that I have a defective one where the cut for the laser is just bad, however I contacted company about the defect and waited a few weeks and no response, so I felt it was my obligation to report on the mouse and my review since I wasn’t sent a replacement or even a response.  At $9.99 you may want to try this one out for yourself as many people do report good things about it for the price but that just wasn’t my experience.

Disclaimer:  Tiergrade provided me with the Wireless Mouse so I could do a thorough and accurate review. All opinions are 100% mine and mine alone.

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