Best Agents to Use for Each Map in Valorant

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Featuring multiple maps, each with its own nooks, crannies, and intricacies – picking the right agent to use for each map in Valorant is of pivotal importance. With tons of variations present in a draft, knowing the right setup can help you maintain your lead or come back against all odds in a nail-biting match.

Picking the right agent for a map can be a game-changer. Whether it’s an aggressive Duelist, a sneaky Sentinel, a bold Initiator or a terrifying Controller, the right pick in a particular map allows you to take total advantage of a map’s inherent setup and layout.



Preferred Agents: Omen, Skye, Killjoy, Neon, Breach

Lotus is the newest map in the game to feature three spike Sites. Because of its relatively large size, Agents that are able to secure a site completely or have better mobility are able to take advantage of the map’s breakable and movable doors.

For instance, Omen’s ultimate allows the agent to teleport from one Site to the one on the complete opposite end, granting tons of time to safely plant. On the other hand, Killjoy is able to lockdown an entire Site, allowing her team to focus on the other two instead as she independently guards one and can put up a fair fight if rushed into.



Preferred Agents: Brimstone, Raze, Cypher, Astra, Jett

Playing in an underwater city in Valorant is a lot of fun. The map innovates on previous offerings, allowing teams to control their pacing and either rush into Sites or play a bit more tactically. Moreover, the map allows Roamers to truly shine due to its narrow corridors.

Astra is the best Controller to play on Pearl. Her Ultimate, Cosmic Divide lets you split the entire map in half – providing you with the ability to either cordon off the enemy team from rushing into a site before your team rotates or just deny an entire site to a potential chance of defence.

While quite off-meta nowadays, Cypher’s knack for holding off flanks helps you put tripwires down on A Site, with his Spycam helping you to gather valuable intel on the enemy’s whereabouts. However, to get the most out of the Agent, we suggest learning some lineups before jumping into a match. 



Preferred Agents: Raze, Brimstone, Breach, Neon, Fade

With a massive zipline in the middle and with Defenders spawning dab-smack right in the centre of the map. This Valorant map innovated a lot on the initial two Site formula and feels like an amalgamation of all the maps that came before it.

Raze is the perfect Duelist for Fracture. Most Sites can easily be defended with a well-placed Grenade. And, running down her Boombot through Mid or B Site can help you quickly identify where the enemy team may be coming from. Plus, if you use her Satchels properly, you can weave through the map and get off some nice RPG frags.

Fade’s a bit of a controversial pick here, but her ability to gather information with her Haunt and control enemy positioning can feel like a superpower at times, particularly around areas like B Tower. Suffice it to say; Cypher is also an excellent pick for this map as both of them serve the same purpose to some extent, info. 



Preferred Agents: Sage, Jett, Viper, Sova, Chamber

Breeze consists of small walls, long-corridors and is absolute Operator heaven due to its emphasis on far-ranged combat. However, both Sites on Breeze feel quite clumped compared to ones on other maps, allowing Agents that have better zoning to perform better.

To that extent, Jett is by far the best Duelist for Breeze. Since the map consists of shorter walls, Jett will be able to breeze through most of them thanks to her Q, Updraft. Moreover, you can even peek on Sites from particular angles as well.

When it comes to area control, Viper is an absolute specialist and is great at locking down both Sites. She’s great because her abilities allow her to both attack and defend Sites with ease. The ability to create cover with Toxic Screen or wish the enemy team attacked another site with Viper’s Site led to her being an absolutely lethal pick.



Preferred Agents: Sage, Killjoy, Raze, Omen, Reyna

Icebox was the first map to include Ziplines, allowing for greater vertical movement coupled with faster Site crossing times. The map has a lot of narrow corridors. However, the Sites are relatively open, which can lead to long-range showdowns. 

Reyna is the best Duelist for Icebox. Her Leer can blind enemies at Mid and B Garage. Moreover, since Icebox tends to have multiple agents rushing or defending the same site, her Disengage can prove to be quite useful in more stressful situations.

Sage has a mighty good time on Icebox. Her Walls on Back Site on A or right near Snowman on B, and the iconic Kitchen Wall can help you zone out entire angles. While she isn’t that great at Attack, her absolutely utility on Defense more than makes up for it. 



Preferred Agents: Killjoy, Brimstone, Raze, Jett, Viper

Bind is the first map to implement teleports. This made the need for more mobile rotating Agents obsolete. Instead, agents that can hold down the fort or have better static utility have definitely been preferred in both the pro and pub meta on Bind.

One of the best agents to play on Bind is Killjoy. Her ability to completely lock down an area is unprecedented. Plus, the fact that if there’s any trouble on the other side, she can immediately teleport and come back to guard her utility is quite useful especially when you have multiple flankers on the enemy team.

Brimstone and his smokes allow you to set up angles and push into Sites that’d be hard to get into otherwise. Since the map is relatively narrow, you end up blocking the entire LOS of the enemy holding the angle, allowing you to push in easily. Couple that with a Duelist like Raze, and you’ll be able to get some good picks when you enter a site. 



Preferred Agents: Sova, Omen, Jett, Breach, Sage

The long walls, the annoyingly hard-to-push A Site, and the fast Sage rotations that can bring a Neon main to shame – Haven has been a staple map for as long as we can remember. And, it is clear that a few favourites have emerged over the long time that it has been in rotation. 

Ah, the iconic AverageJonas plays on Haven. This map practically feels like it is built for Sova. With the ability to defend Sites with his ultimate multiple walls away, his Recon Bolt doing most of the intel-gathering for you before you push a site, and the Shock Dart zoning out enemies when they plant; Sova is an absolute must-pick on Haven.

Omen’s teleport helps you move through Sites, unlike any other agents. Since the map has a lot of verticality, you can hold really odd angles that the enemy will seldom check. And, if you are stuck in a pinch, you can move out of danger’s way by teleporting to a completely different part of the site that’ll take the enemy team some time to move to. 



Preferred Agents: Jett, Raze, Killjoy, Fade, Omen

Split has recently been revamped to quite a large extent. With the map being considered Defender-sided initially, it now allows for more balanced gameplay by introducing elements that help create more fair fire-fights instead of constant 50/50 scenarios where the Defenders would end up taking the cake most of the time.

Jett is a great Duelist on Split. Her ability to move through tighter corridors and take advantage of the map’s open spaces with sick Operator plays or with her Ultimate is fantastic. She’s most likely to at least get traded out every round allowing her team to play off her.

We’re bringing in two Duelist mentions here. But for good reason. Raze is the most popular Duelist on Split. Her ability to use her Satchels to move through the Sites with relative ease and provide setup to her team or herself (if she has Ultimate) cannot be understated. However, you’ll have to learn some pretty tricky lineups before you can take complete advantage of her strengths. 



Preferred Agents: Killjoy, Sova, Omen, Jett, KAYO

We’re big fans of KAYO in Ascent. He’s an excellent initiator whose Flash can really place some havoc on the enemy team. His primary aim is to try and help get Duelists in as quickly as possible. Because of this reason, and the fact that he’s not really displaced by recent patches, makes him quite a stable pick.

KJ might feel like a bit of a wildcard for Ascent, her utils on Attack feel almost useless compared to others like Sage. However, her ability to hold down B Site almost entirely on her own and the fact that she’s able to keep her utils active while being near Mid can be an absolute game-changer.


Conclusion: Picking the Right Agents for Each Map

While you definitely can ace through matches with a different lineup as well, these are your most optimal choices. So, if you are adept with the Agents in question, you’ll have a much better time in the match compared to picking Agents that may not be able to provide you with the same utility and function.

Ultimately, Valorant is a game about wits and strategy as much as it requires precise aim and reflexes. So, turn the tides of the battle ever so slightly in your favour by opting for the right picks. You could also get a Valorant Gift Card from OffGamers here if you want an optimised chance at a better game.

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