We are influencers and brand affiliates. This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.
A new Video Game Giveaway contest is being held by both Dragon Blogger technology blog and Metallman’s Reverie who have partnered up to bring you a unique contest where you get to win the Video Game that you want rather than a specific video game being offered.

That’s right, you get to pick whatever video game you want that has a $59.99 or less retail value and we will buy the game and ship it to you. It can be an Xbox 360 game, a Playstation 3 game, a Nintendo Wii game or even a PC Game or Nintendo 3DS game!
You tell us what game you want to win, and enter the contest below. If you are selected as the winner (which is done randomly) then you pick the game and we ship it to you.
Everyone in the world is eligible for this contest, but if you enter from International we may transfer you $59.99 via paypal instead of mailing the game due to shipping costs exceeding value of game.
So tell us what video game you are hoping to win, Skyrim? Battlefield 3? Which game do you hope to get in late February when the contest ends?
Personally I would love to win [easyazon-link asin=”B001CWXAP2″]Star Wars: The Old Republic[/easyazon-link] if I were a contestant, how about you Victor? Which would be your game of choice?
-Dragon Blogger
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We are influencers and brand affiliates. This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.
I have been obsessed with computers, tech, gadgets and games since the early 1980’s having grown up on the Commodore 64 and Amiga computers.
By day I work in the IT Security Industry and have been in IT for over 20 years. On my spare time I am a Vlogger, Blogger, Streamer, Gadget Reviewer, affiliate marketer, influencer and entertainer. I am also an avid movie fan, TV Show fan, Anime fan, video game fan and fan of trying anything and everything new.