Who Are These Game and Entertainment Streamers – Part 4

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So this is my fourth post in my series where I feature streamers whether they are Twitch, Mixer, Dlive, Facebook or YouTube streamers and help my readers learn a little bit more about these entertainers and what their channel is about.  If you are a streamer and want to be featured in either a round up article like this one, or are interested in a potential full interview article then just fill out the contact us form and I would be happy to reach out to you in the near future.


My stream name is Ramen_Quality and it’s funny sounding but it comes from the Halo Reach days on the Xbox 360 and it’s now just a group of friends ensuring that we’ll always have someone to play with. I mean a kill streak isn’t as cool unless your friends seen you do it, right? I was streaming on a regular basis about two years ago but I got laid off but now I’m letting nothing hold me back I fell off for too long and it’s my time now I currently stream regularly in the AM (eastern). Actually my brother made me want to stream, he convinced my to play payday 2 and stream it and I’ve had a passion for it ever since and I even got my little bit of followers from it! Viewers can feel more involved with the interaction but then more into the gameplay at the same time and I also have many different consoles including the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and plan on building a PC soon, so they can for sure count on content.

Check out Ramen_Quality on Twitch

Watch live video from ramen_qualityon www.twitch.tv


I’m a small streamer of only 50 followers and I started streaming a little over a year ago . After fighting depression and winning I decided to help people fight their depression and anxiety by streaming. People can expect to have a good time and will find a friendly atmosphere and all kinds of laugh can be had on my streams. I play mostly battle Royale games like Apex legends and Realm Royale, I try to stream in the mornings from 8 a.m to 12 p.m eastern standard time.



My name is Allan or AllanLetsPlay I stream a variety of games but tend to lean towards back my old school retro games I love them. I started streaming in 2017 of and on so far I have had a blast. What made me start streaming I was watching other streamers and thought to myself that look’s fun so I give it a go What can viewers expect when I stream I and chat to everyone that come’s in to my stream i am not the best gamer but I do have fun playing the games I love and I do rage sometimes at the moment I do not have a schedule on Twitch I will work something out soon.  You can also join me on Twitter.


Watch live video from https://www.twitch.tv/allanletsplay on www.twitch.tv


Hello alien life forms. My names deme pronounced (Demi) I am a transgender advocate and transgender myself. I always wanted to be a online creator in someway. In the past months I’ve been diagnosed with an abundance of chronic illness and mental health issues, but through these trials and tribulations I have grown to love my new state of life and it has encouraged me to create an online community full of fun-loving, acceptance and beauty encouragement. My stream name “demecolor” is a combination of my name and my favourite thing in the world COLOR. Color makes my world go round as we all are so used to seeing tones of grey and white. I want to spread color and happiness to all humans and aliens alike. I do array of thinks mostly combining makeup and gaming. My two most favourite hobbies. I do hope you found my sort spiel of my back story entertaining and most of all inspiring. Love deme.



Watch live video from https://www.twitch.tv/demecolor on www.twitch.tv


Hello, my name’s Allen but in the gaming world everyone calls me Rage. I’m 25 years old. My streamer name is ragelon4132. I came up with it ages ago when swtor first came out a random name generator came up with it and it just stuck lol. I started streaming about 2 months ago and it’s been an exciting journey since. I started streaming because I’m always playing a game whether its something like final fantasy, or destiny I’ve always loved video games. so why not share it with the world! Usually when I’m streaming I’m always explaining exactly what I’m doing in the game and how to play it. So kind of a tutorial of sorts, and when I get together with a few of my friends were always cracking jokes at one another. Never a dull moment with a few friends. Currently I don’t have much of a schedule for streaming but I do make it a mission to stream everyday at least for the time being. It’s usually overnight as of lately.

Check out Ragelon4132 on Twitch.


Watch live video from https://www.twitch.tv/ragelon4132 on www.twitch.tv

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.