Facebook Statistics: Quantitative Impact of Facebook on People

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.

Facebook.com, being the second most used website worldwide according to Alexa.com (#1 being Google.com), is the largest aggregation of people in a social context. Launched in 2004, Facebook has grown tremendously over 7 years reaching a monetary valuation of over 50 billion USD! While the number of users, pages and pieces of content on Facebook is as static as light, here’s a snapshot from the Facebook Statistics page.

  • 60 Countries in which Facebook is accessed via mobile devices

  • 70 Languages in which Facebook can be officially translated

  • 80 Pages to which each Facebook user is connected

  • 80 Most popular websites out of 100 use Facebook integration

  • 90 Pieces of content (images, videos, text) generated by each Facebook user every month

  • 130 Friends each Facebook user has

  • 190 Countries where Facebook is used by Entrepreneurs and Developers

  • 200 Mobile operators supporting Facebook usage globally

  • 10000 New websites integrating Facebook each day

  • 300000 Users helped translate Facebook into other languages

  • 2500000 Websites have integrated with Facebook

  • 20000000 Facebook Apps installed each day

  • 250000000 People using Facebook outside Facebook.com

  • 250000000 People using Facebook on their mobile devices

  • 375000000 People log into Facebook each day

  • 525000000 Facebook users outside the US

  • 750000000 Active Facebook Users as of July 2011

  • 900000000 Pages, Groups, Events etc. on Facebook

  • 30000000000 Pieces of content (links, stories, blog posts, notes, photos etc.) shared on Facebook each month

  • 700000000000 Minutes spent by people on Facebook each month

*The number of users mentioned in the statistics is the number of active user accounts. The actual number of distinct people using Facebook, though not drastically different, would be lower since one person may have multiple Facebook accounts (1 for personal use, 1 or more for websites/blogs/business etc.).

I currently have 2 Facebook user accounts. How about you? Why do you use Facebook? Please share your thoughts below![easyazon_image asin=”1615640363″ alt=”The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Facebook” src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PoRV567ML.jpg” align=”center” width=”333″ height=”500″]

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.