Your Guide to Understanding Customer Journey Stages and Why Your Business Needs It

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

The customer journey plays a massive role in retaining existing buyers and acquiring new ones. A smooth sailing customer journey can lead to greater profits and propel your brand to the top. The prerequisite is having a deep understanding of your customers and their behaviors.

This article will go over the different stages of the customer journey to help you get started or improve your existing strategies and processes.

The customer journey is divided into different stages. Your potential consumer will go through these stages, and you should guide them through them so you can introduce them and allow them to “buy into” your product. A customer’s journey begins with awareness. This is where we’ll talk about the difficulties of each stage.

However, you might be asking yourself: why is it crucial to provide consumers with a smooth onboarding procedure? What is the effect on your bottom line? Let’s dive right in and find out.

What Is the Customer Journey For?

“The customer journey” is a term that refers to the process of mapping out various scenarios based on current data.

Creating a blueprint for a customer’s journey may seem like a ridiculous notion at first. How do you know what a customer will do when they walk into your store or visit your website?

No matter how experienced you are in marketing, you can easily design a tool like this for your company’s future marketing efforts.

To keep up with the ever-evolving world of online commerce, it’s critical to anticipate and plan for the behavior of your customers at every stage of their journey.

Setting your objectives based on stale assumptions is the very last thing you should do.

The Importance of Mapping the Customer Journey

Creating a blueprint for the customer’s journey is crucial because it gives you a detailed picture of exactly what people do and why at each stage.

This will help you determine the content, prices, shipping and payment methods that your customer sees at each step. Varying the methods that your customers have to complete their goals will make them feel comfortable with your brand as well as give them more info about what they are buying.

Knowing which steps your customer has to go through may also influence your marketing strategies from the beginning.

Mapping Out Your Customer Journey

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

To create an engaging user journey map, you must look at it from the customer’s perspective. To do this, you’ll need to conduct two sorts of research:


To know exactly where your consumers are and how long they spend with you, you may use your website’s analytics. We’ll talk about the tools you may use to keep track of user-generated material and organize the information into a logical stream.

This is similar to how a Google Ads agency and marketers may use a campaign to learn about their customers. The difference is that you will also want to look at how users communicate with you by analyzing the emails that they send and the status of each interaction.


This information is difficult to get by. What is the best way to learn what your customers are thinking about?

Customers’ feelings and thoughts can be gauged through social media. People may feel forced to let you know on social media whether they were pleased or dissatisfied with their encounter with your firm.

You may also acquire anecdotal data by asking clients to complete surveys regarding their experience.

For correct planning, it is essential to have tools that allow you to track client behavior. This is the same way some people go about finding vendors for their online stores.

Moving forward, you will be able to make sure that the data is being collected correctly and that you are continuing to provide your services in a way that meets the needs of your most important clients.

Creating a Customer Journey Map

The way that customers go through each stage of their journey is different from person to person. Every individual has different needs and different ways of behaving. The way they move through each stage has subtle elements such as attitudes and emotions that one customer may have when she or he meets with a certain company.

However, not everyone knows where to begin. And trying to find your way through the customer journey may seem complicated at first. Below, you’ll find a helpful step-by-step walkthrough to guide you through the process.

Step One: Keep the Customer in Mind at All Times

Doing everything you can to put yourself in the customer’s shoes can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals. You don’t exist without a customer.

Executives frequently overlook this crucial aspect in favor of more time-consuming pursuits such as marketing, SEO, social media, and brand building. If you are operating a business, you cannot ignore your consumers and how they engage with the brand you have built.

How happy are they with the service? Is it simple for a consumer to find what they’re looking for on your website?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you may begin to see a clear picture of your customer’s journey, where they come from and what they expect. That is when you can start building the foundation for a broader marketing campaign.

Step 2: Identify Your Customer’s Touch Points

Each and every time a customer comes into touch with your brand—whether it’s through an ad, in-store encounter, or email newsletter—you have the opportunity to improve your sales and build your brand’s recognition.

“Touch points” are a term used to refer to these encounters. A customer’s journey is made easier with this information.

Offering high-quality items or services isn’t enough to ensure a quick and efficient sales procedure for customers. Loyalty to a brand is a byproduct of a happy consumer base.

You can improve your relationship with your clients by creating an emotional bond that keeps them coming back for more. The emotional bond you create between your brand and customers will be the deciding factor in whether they are willing to buy from you again.

Step 3: Create a Graph

Analytical and anecdotal research is necessary for this graph, but it should not be overly difficult. Customers’ dissatisfaction will be highlighted, allowing your staff to make necessary adjustments.

In each particular transaction, there are infinite possibilities, hence it is difficult to forecast every conceivable outcome. It’s critical, though, to identify the blips. Understanding client behavior, detecting problems, and addressing them may all be accomplished with the help of a graph.

Use emojis to easily identify the mood of a consumer at any given time, such as sad, furious, neutral, pleased, or thrilled. This way, customers can pinpoint these moments of tension as well as their satisfaction as they move through each stage of their journey.

There is no need to worry about how to construct this graph. If you are using Google Sheets, you may click on the “Insert” button at the top right to access a variety of charts and graphs.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy at all – just make sure you’re paying attention to all the data you’ve gathered at the beginning of your task. This way, you will be able to see at a glance whether the relationship is progressing and what’s going poorly. A graph may seem unnecessary, but it will help you educate both your staff and your customers about the attitude of clients for them to understand what is happening to them.

The Takeaway

This information is critical because it helps bridge the gaps between marketing and sales.

It is essential to be able to obtain data in order to have a better understanding of your customers and their behaviors. This is where expert analytics comes in—it will help you develop strategies that will help you make the most of your time, increase revenue, and ultimately build a reputation that people trust.

Don’t let yourself go through this alone or realize that you are too busy. The rewards are great when you take the time out to research customer satisfaction.

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.