Key Metrics for Event-Based Wireless Hotspots

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Companies and organisations need temporary enterprise WiFi services, providing efficient and reliable Internet bandwidth at exhibiting or presenting at events. Such events can be exhibitions, conferences, lectures or any public or private event that required temporary network services. It is important that the temporary enterprise WiFi service meets a number of key targets or metrics. This article examines the key metrics used to determine if the provided service matches the promised performance levels over the required timeframe.

WiFi Services and Internet Connectivity can be Provided at Teach-Ins for Numerous People

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What are these metrics?

As the enterprise network services provided over WiFi are IP packet-based, the packet loss, jitter and latency metrics are important. These metrics combined are a good measure of the WiFi network data transfer rate and if any one of these metrics is not optimum, poor performance will be the result, and IP packet retransmissions, garbled voice performance and video drop-outs can occur.

There is also the RF wireless signal that acts as the carrier for the IP data packets. The metrics for this are also very important for the user experience and these metrics are the RSSI (which is the received signal strength indicator, and the SNR (which is the signal-to-noise ratio). Such wireless signals are generated in channels at nearby masts/towers but there is also the possibility of getting interference from other wireless signals causing channel contention and channel interference. These two are critical important metrics to consider in the overall user experience.

To check whether the signal from the cellular/mobile network operator is of good strength and quality within a building, it is best to check two particular metrics. These are the Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ) are the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP). Special equipment is needed to measure these metrics and if this is not available, a good indication of the quality and power of the mobile signal will be checking the upload and download data throughput rates and the quality of the voice.

Enterprise Services and 5G

Of course, there are the enterprise services provided over the WiFi network, and these are Internet access (for websites, etc.), voice over-WiFi and video-over-WiFi, with the last two services being extremely important for teleconferencing and video conferencing, as these are often required at exhibitions and conferences. If any of the metrics mentioned above are not optimum, these two latter “over-WiFi” services will be the first to suffer.

With 5G mobile networks currently being introduced, it is claimed by the cellular/mobile operators that besides the increase in data rates and applications, the services will have lower latency due to the introduction of many more masts and towers made necessary, as 5G wireless is at a much higher frequency and the signal does not travel as far as that of 4G wireless. As a result of the introduction of 5G a newer, faster WiFi is being introduced, called WiFi 6. Anna Tobin writing in Forbes quoted Greg Dorai, (Cisco’s VP of wireless product management for enterprise networking) who stated that: “Along with 5G, WiFi 6 is the massive shift in connectivity happening worldwide. 5G is the new industry standard for cellular networks, and WiFi 6 is the new standard for those WiFi networks found in businesses and hotspots around the world. Both of these new standards represent a quantum leap forward by delivering dramatically higher speeds, lower latency, and greater density and this will allow businesses and consumers to do things unimaginable on previous WiFi iterations.”

He also stated that: “WiFi 6 will also come into its own in high-density areas where a huge amount of demand is being put on the wireless network. A crowded baseball stadium is filled with Internet-connected devices, which leads to slow speeds and connection for fans inhibiting their ability to share photos, videos, and content. WiFi 6 will significantly improve our connections and will preserve our phones’ battery life because they won’t need to struggle to remain connected.”

In a similar manner, exhibition halls and conference centres are also filled with many people with lots of mobile phones so this new technology will enhance the service that is provided to enterprises requiring WiFi hotspots for events and temporary network solutions.


Companies and organisations that need temporary enterprise WiFi and Internet need to be aware of the key metrics of the services being provided. With the improvements in cellular networks and WiFi it is important to choose a company that provides efficient and reliable Internet bandwidth with modern equipment. One such company is Made By WiFi with the company specialising in event WiFi solutions and short-term Internet connectivity for trade shows, conferences, fashion shows, outdoor events and festivals. They provide the equipment to build secure and fast Internet/WiFi networks for events US-nationwide, including New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington DC, Chicago, Boston.

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