Wal-Mart Sells Apple iPad

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Read over on Information Week Magazine that the iPad is being sold at Wal-Mart as of Friday October 15th 2010.  Though Wal-Mart is not selling the iPad any cheaper than Target or other retailers the fact that it will be sold at this megastore will only further increase iPad sales and growth in the user market.  With over 8.5 million iPad units sold since its release the iPad is being touted as the fastest selling technology gadget of all time!

What is more interesting to note is that according to the Information Week article the iPad sales are starting to eat into PC sales as users are purchasing an iPad as an all around device to fill their Internet and casual application needs and don’t require a fully dedicated notebook any longer.  13% of people surveyed said they would have purchased a laptop or notebook had the iPad not been available at the time.

How many readers have already integrated an iPad into their daily lives, how many have not yet starting using the product?

-Dragon Blogger

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