11 Apps and Tools to Create both SEO and User Friendly Content

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Creating content is hard enough at the best of times, but when you’re trying to make it both SEO and user friendly, it can be a minefield. You have so much to consider, such as your keyword density, proofreading, and engagement.

Thankfully, there are plenty of tool online you can use to make the job easier. Here are eleven of the best tools you can use to make your content the absolute best it can be.

  1. On Page Optimization Tool: This tool checks for several elements in your copy, all in one go. Paste it into the text box, and it will check for things such as keyword density and optimization, header checks, and your metadata. It’s the fastest way to check your optimization.
  2. Free Keyword Tool: Stuck for the right keywords to make your content show to the right people? This tool will help. You can search through their databases to get information on what keywords will be most effective, and bring it up to the top of search engine lists.
  3. Boomessays: Good content can’t just be thrown up online as soon as it’s written. It needs to be proofread carefully. When you don’t have the time, or you need an expert, this writing service will help. Send it to them, and they’ll get it looking perfect before publication.
  4. Hemingway Editor: Need to improve your writing? This is the tool for you. Paste in your writing, and it will highlight every type of error in different colours. Then, you can see at glance where you need to improve your skills.
  5. Keyword Density Checker: Need a quick way to check your keyword density and count? Paste your work into this tool. It can even check the keywords in an already published piece, by pasting the URL in.
  6. Paper Rater: This is a grammar and spelling checker that you can use right in your browser. This is a great tool to use when you need quick feedback on what you’ve written. It’ll give you suggestions on how to correct errors, making life a lot easier for you.
  7. Essayroo: Writing your own copy that satisfies both SEO and user friendliness is more difficult than it looks. When you need content that will reach your high standards, it’s worth looking to this writing service. They’ll create something for you that’s bound to get a high amount of views and shares.
  8. Easy Wordcount: This tool is essential for testing the user friendliness of your content. It counts the words of your writing, and will tell the average reading age needed to understand your work. It’s a good way to check whether you’ll need to edit your writing further.
  9. Ginger Software: Creating content on social media is essential, but doing it on your phone can be challenging. It’s so easy to be hit by autocorrect and accidentally beam out a typo to all of your followers. This keyboard can help reduce the errors and help you keep control of your posts.
  10. UK Writings: The best way to proofread your work is to give it to someone else. They’ll spot errors that you may miss, meaning the process is much more intensive. However, sometimes you don’t have someone else around to check your work. This writing service is there for you when this is the case. They’ll proofread your work and even edit it for you if you require.
  11. Australian help: You should always have a good grammar checker on hand to check anything you write. This one will check your grammar and spelling, making sure you don’t miss any errors. It can also be downloaded into any text editor of your choice, including Microsoft Word, Scrivener or Google Drive. Never accidentally publish a typo again.

Test these tools out and find your favorites. There’s plenty to choose from, and they’ll help you with different aspects of your work. You’ll see just how much your writing improves, and you’ll see the bump in views and followers that it will gain you. Get started right now and see for yourself.

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.