Gearbest Best Ever Summer Vacation Ultimate Flash Deals

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.

Starting today Monday 6/14 through 6/16 you can get some amazing deals over on Gearbest with their Best Ever Summer Vacation sale.  Some of the ultimate flash deals can be found on cell phones, tablets, smart watches, earbuds, Android TV boxes and more.

You will find all sorts of devices on sale but one that stood out to me above the rest is the Teclast Windows/Android Dual Tablet.

This is a 10.6 inch Windows 10 + Android 5.1 sporting an Intel Cherry Trail Z8300 64bit Quad Core 1.44GHz CPU, it also has 4GB RAM  and 64GB of ROM and has an IPS Retina Screen supporting 1920×1080 and of course supports Bluetooth 4.0 for external keyboards and devices.  It also has an external SD Card slot for an additional 128GB of storage.  The sale price is $139 for only 10 buyers, so make sure you JUMP on this one!

So make sure you head on over to the Gearbest Summer Sale right away and remember that there is free shipping worldwide!

You also have the ability to win some free prizes, so head on over to the sale page and make sure you complete the entries to get your chances to win a free gift which can include an action camera, tablet, phone or a quadcopter drone as well!


We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.