Star Trek Wrath of Gems Review

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I was recently given the chance to try out Star Trek – Wrath of Gems. This is a RPG fun puzzle game that allows you to play as either New Generation or Original series characters. There are 3 different game types so you are to never get bored. One on one combat, starship battles and diplomatic encounters. You can play Story mode or play against your friends (or enemies).  This games loads and runs very smooth on my Nexus 4.  There is a daily log in bonus and a fun story line made for each of the levels. Navigation in the game is easy through the menu button in the top left corner. You can find more detailed information here



You can evolve and power up you Starships as well as individual characters.  With each level you gain different abilities changing the way your strategy will be next time you play, this is great from stopping the game from becoming repetitive like other games. If you play against the computer it is fun as the computer plays smart and really challenges my next moves.  You can purchase card packs or win them as well as a result of a battle. The bigger the pack the better the cards. If you are wanting ships and people with higher levels I suggest the Deluxe pack that comes with 10 cards in the pack. You can find in the recruit section of the game.




Each card has different strengths and require you to use different stones to fill up the special ability. In this picture you can see I needed yellow, blue and purple. Once the circle is filled you press on it during your turn to activate that special power.  If you are taking damage make sure to get some of the grey shields as well, this will replenish your shield and stop you from taking damage.  Also before you start any match make sure your ship or person is at full health.  You can restore health before each match.




They have added new social networking features that allows you to invite friends to play through Facebook as well as send in-game gifts, view each other’s progress in campaign mode, and post your achievements on Twitter and Facebook. Share your crew, hangar, and event rankings, and view leaderboards with Game Play Services or Google Play Services. You also earn achievements for some of these and the coins come in handy for upgrading.  You can find out more about this game and any updates they have here.

Game Play Video 1

Game Play Video 2

Disclaimer: Writer was provided with Star Trek: Wrath of Gems and some in-game credit plus some compensation for time to do a showcase and review of the game, all opinions are 100% authors and authors alone.

We are influencers and brand affiliates.  This post contains affiliate links, most which go to Amazon and are Geo-Affiliate links to nearest Amazon store.