How to Use AI to Improve Your Online Startup

The idea of artificial intelligence is not a new concept in the history of the world. Even the Ancient Greeks had an idea of the concept of machines with human qualities and independent thought. Artificial intelligence is the use of any sort of intelligent agent, or any device that sees its environment and takes actions to accomplish some sort of goal. For example, planning, learning, language processing, knowledge representation, reasoning, problem solving, and social intelligence … Read more

Pocket AI and Chatbots of the Future

A very interesting video published over on the Financial Times YouTub Channel about the spread of AI Chatbots coming from East to the West and where we are headed with Pocket AI.  They are running more segments on AI recently and have a whole dedicated section to Artifical Intelligence and Robotics on the Financial Times website now which is of particular interest to me on keeping up to date on this subject.  The rise of … Read more