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Do you use the same programs on Windows 7 regularly? Do you regularly access the same files like songs, images and Ebooks? If you do, the recently used programs and recent files must be very useful in saving time and effort. If however you don’t access the files and programs regularly or wish to prevent others from tracing your computer usage habits, you can either manually delete the recent items and recent programs, you can very easily prevent the saving and display of these “recently used” lists by using the following method:
Step 1 – Right-Click on Taskbar and Go to Properties.
This opens the Taskbar Tab by default, and you need to Go to the Start Menu Tab.
Step 2 – Deselect the options to store and display recently opened programs and items.
You need not disable both options, just use your judgement based on how frequently you use which feature and whether it’s OK for others with access to it to know how you use the computer.
Save the changes by clicking on Apply or OK.
If you later change your mind about displaying the recent items lists, use the following steps to enable recent programs and recent files lists on Windows 7:
Step 1 – Right-Click on Taskbar and Go to Properties.
Step 2 – Go to the Start Menu Tab.
Step 3 – Select the options to store and display recently opened programs and items.
Save the changes by clicking on Apply or OK.
For example, I have disabled the display of recent items but enabled the display of the recent programs list in the Start Menu.
In case the number of regularly used programs is less than 10, you could easily “Pin” the programs to the Taskbar instead of having a list in the Start Menu. This would save you a click each time you access a program!
How to Pin a Program to Taskbar
- Method 1 – Use Single Left-Click and Drag the program icon to the Taskbar.
- Method 2 – Right-Click on the Program Icon and click on “Pin to Taskbar”.
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I’m a Generalist Researcher working on a Theory of Reality, Horticulturist, Blogger, Natural Systems Analyst and Amateur Architect