Pro’s & Cons: Days of the Dead Indianapolis 2018 Review

I’ve been attending conventions for a very, very long time and for the most part, the conventions I’ve attended have been about a wide variety of things such as pop culture and gaming. However, having been a fan of the horror movie genre ever since I was eight. I decided that I was long overdue to attend a horror convention and thus made Days of the Dead in Indianapolis, Indiana my very first one. Let … Read more

Dragoncast Episode 15 Talking About The Walking Dead and The Latest Smartphones

It’s been awhile but Victor Salazar and myself are back for yet another amazing episode of Dragoncast. This time around we discuss the return of one of the most watched television shows, AMC’s The Walking Dead (just want to let our listeners know there are spoilers about episode 1) in which Victor and myself let everyone know just how excited we are about the return of our favorite zombie survivalists.    We also cover Grand … Read more

The Walking Dead – Clear

The Walking Dead is certainly making a few things “Clear” for some of its characters and the viewers this week.  Instead of bouncing between Woodbury and the prison, we follow Rick, Carl, and Michonne as they travel back to the Grimes’ hometown in King County.  Rick knows they will find weapons there since it was deserted when Rick awoke in the hospital so long ago. As they travel the empty road, the small group passes … Read more

The Walking Dead – I Ain’t a Judas

Andrea is definitely try to prove “I ain’t a Judas” this week on The Walking Dead because she can’t decide who to be loyal too.  The woman who learns the truth about her beloved Governor, he really is a liar and out for blood, just can’t face the idea of leaving him; it makes me want to scream.  I’m getting ahead of myself though. The prison group seems to be at ease with themselves at … Read more

The Walking Dead – Home Recap

The Walking Dead is really good at making you realize no one is safe in this show and Home was no different.  A few truths came out, one we knew about but didn’t realize anyone else did, and one that wasn’t exactly a shocker but at the same time made you realize just how far some characters have gone.  I also think a serious show down is coming soon between the two groups. Rick’s delusions … Read more

The Walking Dead – The Suicide King Recap

As The Walking Dead returns in full force with The Suicide King, it’s clear things are getting worse for everyone and the end of the season may bring some unexpected surprises.  That might be silly to say since most of the episodes have surprises but this one seems to be headed in a really bad direction for several characters. We pick up right where we left off in Made to Suffer, with Merle and Daryl … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 7- Let’s Discuss 2012 and look ahead to 2013!

On this episode of The Dragoncast we welcome back Dragonblogger’s very own Victor Salazar to discuss with Brian and Bryce their favorite movies and games from 2012 as well as some of the movies, games and other awesome forms of technology to look forward to in 2013. Also we would like our listeners to give us some feedback and let us know what your favorite movies, games or anything else you really enjoyed from 2012 … Read more

The Walking Dead: Made to Suffer Recap

The midseason finale (as AMC is calling it) of The Walking Dead episode, Made to Suffer, definitely left fans on the edge of their seat.  It is almost cruel the way we have to wait until February.  What’s worse is, right now the actual date is not on the AMC website so it could be the end of February not the beginning.  Until then, let’s look at this week’s episode. The first people we see … Read more

The Walking Dead – When the Dead Come Knocking Recap

I have to question the group in this week’s episode of The Walking Dead because they didn’t seem to be thinking clearly.  If you didn’t see the episode, When the Dead come Knocking, you missed some pretty significant lead-ups to the mid-season finale next week.  Plus a surprise return for the group. As the show opens we learn that Merle is still a heartless bastard who thinks he’s better than everyone else.  Nothing has changed … Read more

The Walking Dead – Hounded Recap

I’m not sure what to think of this week’s The Walking Dead; so much happened although not really that much.  However, I think what did was significant in several ways.  Some people lost, some found, and a whole lotta trouble coming at the main group. After last week’s episode with Rick answering a phone ringing in the prison, listening to him speak with a female who stated they were safe but wouldn’t say where they … Read more

The Walking Dead – Say the Word Episode Recap

This week’s The Walking Dead episode left viewers with some very interesting questions.  Plus a few revelations, or was it only one revelation?  No matter the main group dynamic is changing and Andrea needs to watch herself. If remember the week before, Rick lost it when he found out that Lori had delivered by C-section but not survived.  This week he seems to have taken a total loss of his senses as he rushes into … Read more

The Walking Dead – Separation and Reunion

If you haven’t seen the last two episodes of The Walking Dead, stop reading right now, go watch them, and then come back.  Unless you are one of those people who don’t mind spoilers, then read on. Last week we finally got to see Michonne and Andrea’s story and boy was it, interesting.  Merle, who was thought to be dead by the group after Rick left him handcuffed to a pipe where Walkers found him, … Read more

The Walking Dead – Behind Bars

While I never thought The Walking Dead was for a young crowd, this season is proving beyond a doubt it’s not.  Heck I would go so far as to say, it’s not for the faint of heart either since the blood, gore, and death is currently taking center stage.  Of course, how could it be less bloody when the circumstances are even direr now than when the show began?  Humanity is dwindling quickly. Hershel’s life … Read more

The Walking Dead Shuffles into a new season

If you have not seen the season 3 premier of The Walking Dead, stop reading right now; this has all kinds of spoilers.  For those who did watch it, were you shocked and relieved to see the time passage?  I know for me that has been weighing on my mind since the first season when the show seemed to be a day to day or hour to hour thing. Seeing Lori very pregnant was a … Read more

Game of Thrones Gets Several Emmy Award Nominations

The Emmy Award nominees were announced this week and HBO’s series Game of Thrones received several.  Perhaps not nearly as many as fans of the show, based off the George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire novels, would have liked but any recognition is better than being shut out completely. The competition in several of the categories is fairly still, unfortunately, so Game of Thrones may not walk away with too many of these … Read more