The Saga continues in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II will be available on Android devices as well
Playstation 3 Game news
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II will be available on Android devices as well
George GeoHot Hotz, has been discovered to be working under social media giant Facebook.
Review of Infamous 2 which is ample step up from its predecessor. Cole lights up enemies in even more devastating ways.
Sony touted a whole fresh lineup of Playstation Move enabled titles that will be available this year.
Sony unveiled the PSVita which is the next generation portable device that will be more than just a game console
Sony is offering a welcome back page to PSN users with free games. One problem, the company is being hacked, AGAIN.
Sony put up a loop of a man walking through the desert on Sony Japan website, is this a new E3 Game teaser?
16 different types and definitions of MMO or massive multiplayer online games and examples of MMO’s
Cole’s electric escapades are looking better than ever thanks to all new powers, a larger game world, and greater user customization than before!