Create a Quick Image Gallery with GalleryHosted is a site where you can quickly and easily create image galleries with custom thumbnail sizes and get embed code for HTML or Forums
Posts and Reviews related to the Internet is a site where you can quickly and easily create image galleries with custom thumbnail sizes and get embed code for HTML or Forums is one of the best financial sites for managing your budgets, tracking your financials and setting finance goals such as retirement, debt reduction or savings
Broadband ISP’s may start raising prices based on household internet usage, soon heavy internet users may pay a premium for streaming online movies and TV shows.
LastPass extension for Google Chrome or Chromium browsers like RockMelt does a great job of managing your website login forms so you can navigate without having to login all the time.
Tech Crunch reported the other day that the Google Chrome browser which is just around a year old already has just about 10,000 extensions (addons) to the browser
Sharing a printer in Windows XP or Vista so that Unix or Ubuntu can print to it.
How many of my fellow bloggers are with a hosting solution that uses Cpanel, or does your host use another administrative interface and how do you like it?
Ministatus is a web site that shows domain statistics and site earning estimates but is highly inaccurate and provides on partially useful data.
Google AdSense updated to the new version which shows more information at your fingertips and has a more Google Analytics like display for your AdSense earnings.
Update 05/05/2011 It would seem that Digg disabled this feature and now you can no longer auto submit articles even though you can add your RSS feed it won’t auto submit them into Digg, below is the original article from when this feature worked for reference only. I found that the new Digg allows you to configure it to read in your blog RSS feed and auto submit all new articles to Digg automatically without … Read more
Google Chrome TV extension allows you to watch live streaming television with your Google Chrome browser and includes satellite and local channels from around the world. Watch live TV on Chrome now.
Using the Amazon Reloaded plugin for Wordpress you can easily search for and add affiliate Images or links directly into your wordpress post editor.
Review of the technology articles on Article Alley which is a free article site that allows bloggers and writers to post their content.
OpenDNS provides free IP addresses you can use instead of your local ISP DNS servers. This can improve your web browsing speeds by having faster DNS lookup.
If you come across a word or term you don’t know, or you are looking for amusement Urban Dictionary is the place to go. Especially for a wordsmith like myself.
Like many people out there was looking to leverage surveys and other sites to help generate a side income or at least win some perks and free stuff. One of the most legitimate enterprises I have found was Nielsen’s Homescan Consumer Panels. This company will actually mail you a bar code scanner, and all the instructions to participate. Picture of equipment sent to me: So, the idea is simple or so I thought. You scan … Read more