Sapphire Radeon PULSE RX550 4GB 11268-01-20G Video Card Review

A time comes when you need a video card, upgrading from on chip/die/bcrooard GPU, upgrading your existing video card or maybe replacing and existing video that might have died, the time comes for us all.  The type of GPU/Video card you buy can depend on a few things like your budget, preference or functionality and I might have something that might fit on a few of those lists.  Today I bring you my review of … Read more

Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 470 4GB OC 11256-01-20G Review

Video cards, one of the most wanted upgrades for any PC and tons of them keep getting released thankfully, each bigger and better than the previous.  Gamers will drool over the latest gaming GPU, as a gamer myself I loved the chance to get to review Sapphire’s latest gen of AMD’s GPU.  Today I bring you my review of the Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 470 4GB GDDR5 OC  11256-01-20G. Before we get to the card … Read more

Western Digital’s WD Blue 500GB WDS500G1B0A SSD Review

We all want out computers to be the best PC they can be, be it for Gaming, Computer Aided Design, Basic Internet Browsing, Video and Music production and just about everything.  For everything I just mention, we need speed, yes even basic internet browsing needs some speed but some of those tasks require much more, but where do we begin?  Well, the processor is one thing, but as applications become better optimized, they are a … Read more

Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX460OC 4GB 11257-02-20G Review

Being a gamer is expensive, I know I have probably paid for a house with all the money I have put into PC’s since I was 13…. a ton of money.  Even though I have put so much in and looking back, it hurts to see how much I have but I know it will just be a love affair that will continue.  When I started, I didn’t have much money and back in those … Read more

Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 480 8GB OC Review

As a gamer and for all fellow gamers, we are bombarded with promises of upgrades will change our lives, and for the most part they don’t do much.  SSD’s and memory do help tons, but one of the things that get us as gamers are video cards, but they are ALWAYS so expensive.  Today I have the pleasure of bringing you my review of the Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 480 8GB GDDR OC 11260-01-20G. Ohh…. … Read more

Arctic Liquid Freezer 240 Review

Review of the Arctic Liquid Freezer 240 CPU Liquid Cooling Unit For years you’ve been using CPU Fans and heatsinks for years, but I know you have been gawking at some of the CPU liquid cooling units for years, well I know I have.  As those years have passed many CPU liquid cooling unit designs have come and gone, most of those custom units that you would have to build for yourself, not an easy … Read more

Holiday 2014 Wish List!

Good day folks, thank you for stopping by and – if you choose to do so – for taking the time to read this article. So we just got done celebrating Thanksgiving Day, here in the USA, and if you’re reading this then I believe it’s safe to assume that you survived the annual apocalypse more commonly referred to as “Black Friday”. It seems that, every year, more and more people actually stay home (or … Read more