Help Support DragonBlogger and Keep Us Growing

Want to help keep the giveaways coming and us grow as a community?  Here is how you can support Dragon Blogger. There are many ways you can support and help our community grow so we can provide more giveaways and content for the fans.  Here are a list of some ways you can help show your support. Direct Tip If you want to do a direct tip please call it out,  you want to specifically … Read more

Disable Action Center in Windows 10

The Action Center in Windows 10 shows all the notifications from various sources (desktop apps, modern apps, as well as system notifications) and group them together by apps and time. You have all the notifications there and you can see them if you missed them and can later clear them all or just some of them. Also, there are Quick Actions placed at the bottom to quickly toggle some settings (like brightness, Airplane mode, etc) … Read more

Make Chrome Faster

Google Chrome is easily the best browser out there and most people including me use it as my default browser on all my devices. Thanks to the V8 JavaScript Engine and multi-process architecture, Chrome is blazing fast and the User Interface is dead simple to use and navigate. While we are talking about speed, let me tell you that benchmark tests put Chrome on the top without hesitation. While Chrome is fast, this doesn’t necessarily have … Read more

Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 offline

One of the biggest annoys I faced after a fresh install of Windows 10 on my computer was the installation of the .NET Framework 3.5 feature on it. First let’s see why do we (still) need .NET framework 3.5 even when Windows 10 comes with .NET Framework 4.5 installed already. The .NET Framework is an integral part of many applications (many apps developed in Vista and Windows 7 era require the .NET framework v3.5 installed along … Read more

All the Windows Run commands you’ll ever need

Windows Run feature is incredibly handy. However, it is something relatively few users know about and even fever use it and the main reason behind this is perhaps, because the users don’t know the commands. So, to solve this problem, I decided to put together all the run commands I can think of in this one post.

Windows Tip: Create Keyboard Shortcuts to Open any App

Many people are unaware that you can assign keyboards shortcuts (just like ctrl+c & ctrl+v) to your apps without using any 3rd party app in Windows (7 and later) which allows you to launch apps you use often with just a keyboard shortcut, which otherwise may involve many steps. This is one of those great convenience Windows offer without installing any 3rd party apps but is highly left unnoticed and neglected.

Google Chrome Tips and Tricks

Google Chrome is an awesome browser and many people including me use it everyday and it’s the default browser on their PC. It offer’s great features such as wide range of extensions, it’s simple to use, etc. but many of it’s amazing features are unknown to majority of it’s users. In this post I am going to cover those little but extremely useful features that you may not be knowing till now. Read on and make your experience with Chrome even better than ever!

Android Tip: How to Stop App Icons from Automatically Being Added to HomeScreen

When you install an app from Google Play, it’s shortcut is automatically added to your home screen by default, and I find it really annoying. It disturbs my home screen and if I installed like oh, 10-12 apps in one go, my home screen looks like an app store itself  :-x . If you also find this annoying, and want to disable it, it’s quite easy. To do so, open Google Play. Now, swipe right from … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 4 with Victor Salazar aka. MetallManX

On this episode of The Dragoncast we welcome Dragon Blogger’s very own Victor Salazar also known as MetallMan to his fans, where we discuss how Victor became a part of the Dragon Blogger team as well as his current projects and website. Also we welcome Luke Bayliss from as Bryce, Brian and Victor all discuss how they came to be an addition to the masses of social media as well as some tips to … Read more

Drawception Tutorial, Guide, and Tips

Hi there Drawception fan!  If you’re like me, you probably can’t get enough of this social telephone picture game and desire to hone your skills.  The following is a detailed guide that will teach you how to make the most of your 10 minutes, improve the quality of your drawings, and connect with other Drawceptioners eager to help you out.  Reading this guide will not make you the next Corvax but you will notice your … Read more