Top 5 Console Games of 2016

Hello everyone! In this article I will be going over the top console games from the past year. Hopefully these will give you some good ideas on what to buy for the gamer of the house. The games I’ve chosen are not in any particular order and I chose them based on overall scores, sales and feedback from various sites. Considering there are hundreds of games that are released each year, and not every release … Read more

AVerMedia Ballistia Trinity Gaming Speaker Review!

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for better sound when playing games and music. My friends over at AVerMedia sent me their Ballistia Trinity gaming speakers.  This is a 2.1 sound system. This system comes with two 3 way  satellite speakers, one sub and a control center. It also comes with two cords. I will get more in detail about all that later in the review. As you can see, it is red and black … Read more

Review of the Brilens LS1280 First Laser DLP Projector at 720P

Review of the Brilens LS1280 Laser DLP projector which can project to about a 200 inch screen and take a wide range of inputs with decent speaker built in.

Dragoncast Episode 20: The Progression of Video Games

On this episode of The Dragoncast Geoff and Brian welcome Brian’s own father-in-law, Brian Camden, on the show to talk about how far we have come in the way of video games and gaming. The guys talk about how they feel that gamers nowadays are spoiled by all the incredible graphics in games as well as just how much we as gamers have come in the way in which gaming has progressed. We discuss the … Read more

Super Smash Bros. and Legend of Zelda – The Triumph Of the Wii U Upon Us?

E3, the Electronics Expo, showcased several up coming games for the 8th generation of consoles (Play Station 4, Xbox ONE, Wii U) and the PC. During the different presentations of the different companies, there were quite a few exclusives revealed for each console. If we focus only on the Wii U for a second, we’d quickly realize that two of the most awaited games that were announced and showcased were: The Legend of Zelda Super … Read more

Join Team Dragon Blogger This Saturday for the Extra Life Video Game Marathon

  This Saturday, November 2nd marks the 5th annual Extra Life 25 Hour Video Game Marathon. The event happens every year in order to help raise money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals all across the world. Extra Life started as a way to honor Victoria Enmon which her battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia helped inspire the Sarcastic Gamer Community to try to raise money due to Victoria being a gamer herself and help her out by receiving … Read more

Dragoncast episode 14: New and Improved Featuring Special Guest Alex Byrom from Falchion Games

It’s been a few months since Dragoncast has had an episode but now we are back and dedicated now more than ever to provide you with episodes each and every week. First off we here at Dragoncast would like to wish former co-hosts Luke Bayliss and Bryce Posey the best on their future endeavors after their departure from the show.  However, we want to welcome our new co-host Dragon Blogger’s very own Victor Salazar AKA … Read more

Watch Dogs – A Life Where Everything Is Connected

Well, this is a game which has long been anticipated, a game that should get console and PC gamers stiring for months due to the sheer feats which can be achieved when playing the game. For those unfamiliar, Watch Dogs is a game revolving around hacking and technology. Players play as Aiden Pearce, a skillful hacker who can access every part of the cities network, including mobile phones, traffic lights, bollards and other technology which … Read more

Dragoncast Episode 12: The Xbox Reveal and Discussion about Next-Gen Consoles

It’s time once again for another awesome episode of The Dragoncast. On this weeks episode Brian, Bryce and Victor discuss the Microsoft Xbox press conference regarding their newest console, the Xbox One. We also discuss the other new console from Sony the PlayStation 4 and give our own thoughts on the next generation of video gaming. All of us here at The Dragoncast would like to here from you, the listener, as we continue to … Read more

Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition Review

Gamers in this day-and-age are very social creatures. We love to share our kills and skills or put on our creative hats and make art out of the games we love. In order to really do any of those things we require the proper equipment. Enter the Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition, Hauppauge’s newest addition to its console recorder family. This time around Hauppauge decided to embrace the HD aspect even more so and … Read more

Disney Infinity – An Interactive Game

Disney has announced their new up and coming game called Disney Infinity which will be looking to take inspiration from Activison’s popular interactive game Skylanders. The game will feature 40 collectible well know Disney figures that when used on the special device will appear on the video game. Disney are making the figures very broad with figures ranging from the Incredibles to Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean. Scheduled to release this June the game wants to allow … Read more

The Dragoncast Episode 4 with Victor Salazar aka. MetallManX

On this episode of The Dragoncast we welcome Dragon Blogger’s very own Victor Salazar also known as MetallMan to his fans, where we discuss how Victor became a part of the Dragon Blogger team as well as his current projects and website. Also we welcome Luke Bayliss from as Bryce, Brian and Victor all discuss how they came to be an addition to the masses of social media as well as some tips to … Read more

The Wii-U E3 Presentation Disappoints

Hey there.  With gaming news buzzing loudly from E3, Nintendo was poised to make a big splash with it’s up coming console, the Wii-U.  Sony and Microsoft have yet to announce a new console so Nintendo has a leg up on the competition and if they play their cards right, they should be able to snatch back some of the consumers that have jumped ship to the more power Xbox 360 and PS3.  For 90 … Read more