Quality Control a Must When Accepting Guest Posts
Recently due to a busy schedule I didn’t screen some guest posts as thoroughly as I should have which was a mistake.
Recently due to a busy schedule I didn’t screen some guest posts as thoroughly as I should have which was a mistake.
Listing of the top articles on DragonBlogger.com for November 2010 based on pageviews and a summary of each article which are all technology category related.
Where I came up with my Dragon logo from and why I use and chose the name Dragon Blogger.
Wordpress 3.0.2 is released and has a mandatory security fix that is essential for multi author blogs who have writers with “author” accounts.
Wordpress gives you the option to get an RSS feed for each Wordpress author separately so you can specifically pull an RSS feed from a favorite author.
Google Instant Preview shows a site thumbnail and will your site be attractive enough to attract a click from the user? SEO and SERP optimization rules are changing.
Wordpress plugin category reminder will help writers remember to select a category by triggering a popup if you forgot to select a Wordpress category when you publish your post.
Prevent Wordpress Trackback spam when using the Growmap Anti Spambot plugin by using the Simple Trackback Validation with Topys Blocker Wordpress plugin.
After analyzing site changes on DragonBlogger.com the search traffic dropped when I had switched Wordpress SEO plugins, restoring All in One SEO pack resulted in site traffic returning 2 weeks later.
If you are a Wordpress blogger I think that ReplyMe is a critically important plugin to make sure that your commenters are notified when a response to their comment is left
FeedmailPro sent an email to its over 200 blog customers that they will be shutting down and stop providing services as of December 1st 2010.
If you have a corrupt xml sitemap try regenerating it manually to see if that fixes the problem, or you may have to build your sitemap manually or use a wordpress plugin to generate your xml sitemap.
Demonstration on how to create a guest post for a Wordpress blog, a Wordpress editor demo with how to set featured image and tags.
Tips for guest blogging and how to make sure you provide value and receive value from being a guest blogger on other sites.
DragonBlogger.com now has a new theme design and uses the BreakingNewz Wordpress theme from ThemeWarrior as the template with some modifications.
How do I protect my blog content from being stolen and used on other sites? There are some Wordpress plugins and websites to help, but there is no way to truly prevent it.
In less than I week I received a congratulations from someone for being the featured blogger on Bloggers.com
If you run out of blogging inspiration here are some ideas to help you find something to write about you can uncover inspiration on the web.
Using the Amazon Reloaded plugin for Wordpress you can easily search for and add Amazon.com affiliate Images or links directly into your wordpress post editor.
I am always thinking about what value can I provide to email newsletter subscribers and offer something that they can’t easily get from the blog directly.