Five Companies That Are Revolutionizing Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming is in the midst of a revolution that can be compared to the Dotcom boom when it comes to growth and public enthusiasm. Unheard of amounts of money are being poured into this industry in order to develop the leading platforms and push the associated technology over the next horizon. More and more companies are shifting their resources in this direction, making this one of the fastest growing industries associated with tablets, PCs, … Read more

Tips for Monetizing Your Mobile Apps

It doesn’t take a genius to see that lots of companies and developers are profiting from their mobile apps, and yet there are also those who can’t seem to make a buck with their products. The truth is that too many developers are rushing to cash in and thus produce poorly made haphazard apps that no one wants to download. The fact of the matter is that a lot of factors will come into play … Read more

RAVPower 14000mAh External Battery Pack Review

When it comes to mobile devices these days people want to have a device that they can rely on that will give them the longest battery life possible. Nothing can be more frustrating than when we receive an important call, email or text and notice that our phone has only about  3-5% left on it making that important response back seem like a game of “Beat the Clock” However I was given the opportunity to … Read more

Review of the Arcadia ArcLight 2.0 iPad Keyboard Case

I have reviewed many Bluetooth keyboards and many cases for the iPad but this is one of only a few that try to combine both a case and a Wireless Bluetooth keyboard into the same accessory.  The Arcadia ArcLight 2.0 is also the best iPad Keyboard Case combo I have ever reviewed so far and I will share with you everything that worked well with this accessory and a few minor items that could be … Read more

Free up Space on iPad or iPhone with PhoneClean

If you are one of those folks who have a 16 GB iPad or iPhone you will find space runs out pretty quickly.  PhoneClean is an application that can free up space on iPad and iPhone by cleaning out temp files, flushing application cache and more without having to delete and uninstall iOS applications. I only have a 16GB iPad 2nd generation and I ran out of space quickly, it is time consuming and cumbersome … Read more

Bloggers Start Paying Attention to Your Mobile Users

How often do you check your Google Analytics for your blog to see what percentage of your users come from a mobile browser, compared to standard desktop browser?  Have you started putting in a mobile theme yet or started on a plan to appeal to your mobile readers/customers? You have even more limited real estate on a mobile browser screen, so it is imperative that your mobile theme be optimized for the mobile experience.  In … Read more

Does Blackberry’s Future Lie in Windows Mobile?

Research in Motion has undergone a high level management shakeup with Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepping down and with RIM struggling to prevent further market loss to Android phone makers and Apple one has to consider where Blackberry’s future lies and what decisions could be made to turn them around. Consider that Blackberry is still strong in the Enterprise and it is considered a secure enterprise solution as well as has strong international presence … Read more